Most states show that air guns are legal..some do require an adult present with children of given ages. This website I did find shows the information per state.  https://huntingnook.com/air-gun-laws-by-state/

This site also had some interesting information.  Sheriff’s interested in starting up interest in a voluntary posse could make this site for search and reading.  It would be required by the volunteers to own these items.  Sheriff’s with a posse could offer even a class on safety and could maybe have a volunteer with some land that could provide a meeting place for the group.


Posse’s being raised!!

Posse raising happening!

Well I have tried but gotten shot down on my website starting the posse call for citizens to raise up and volunteer and talk to Sheriff’s in their counties.  When I first had the website and did print the business card viewed above and started passing them out, it wasn’t long and I started battling with godaddy with my account.  I setup a posse call for sheriffs on facebook and sent out the link to any sheriffs or deputies out there.

News Search for raising a posse

I was excited to see some Sheriff’s are indeed raising a posse, so I deleted posts to start 2024 with more a clean slate and do better with the call for Sheriff’s to raise up and get involved and have their posses of citizens who volunteer their time.
News search on duckduckgo
I was surprised for 2023 some places are actually raising up volunteer posses.  This is great news and motivated me to try and find a way for the site to be seen to help Sheriff’s and deputies.  One place actually has a posse website for Santa Barbara.
I hated to see Santa Barbara’s website after viewing, for one reason, it isn’t volunteer when money and an origination is involved.  Most people have the basic tools needed and can purchase a tshirt labeling citizens or a lightweight ski jacket with printing to slip over existing clothing.  Certain requirements can be made for posse volunteers, we will discuss some simple ways to do this.




Squatters removed by Sheriffs

I have not been writing and plan to start fresh with new posts and the attempts to get posse people involved. I did get my place back and have been taking my time getting work done. All my things were taken by the squatters so I am battling with getting new titles for my belongings. I lost all my paperwork as all my things were inside the trailer.

I plan to start fresh with the Sheriff things for 2024 and focus on these things to get people motivated to get involved and be part of a volunteer posse working in your county.